The deformed verse of reality in show in the Villa Di Donato


Five artists – Nicola EvangelistiCynthia Greig, Michal MackuPilar Soberon e Philippe Soussan – from 5 nations for a roundup of contemporary photography that has the lowest common denominator for the reproduction of reality seen in a surrealist and metaphysical. The surreal, in fact. Elevated to the status of hero. And ‘This is the meaning of the exhibition Collective exhibition Meta-Illusions, scheduled until next January 10 at Villa Di Donato, in Piazza S. Eframo Vecchio, Naples. A “vernissage” in which neosurrealism, the meta-photography, the “concept” of the same flash, the idea, in short, become the only support and the same order of depiction.

At Villa Di Donato to the warped reality, the invention of a scenario that does not exist or exists in different forms, come into play for subjectivise message. It operates through “Visual Hybrids” that is, through the “hybrid visual” involving transformation (Greig), distortion and duplication of reality (Soussan, Machu), to join a new perception of a different reality; a photograph “perceptive”, which offers a new and unexplored view of things in the world (Soberon)” explains Cynthia Penna, curator of the exhibition. A reflection on space and its modifications (evangelists), but also on the modification of the times, or objects or the perception of the same.
Everything is permeated by subtle ambiguities and transmutations; vision plays on the dichotomy between identity and memory: research Identification of objective reality, known and continuous loss of this identification; the loss of objective references induces a distortion of the codification of perception.

Exhibition Group  Meta-Illusions
Villa Di Donato, Piazza S. Eframo Vecchio – Naples
until 01.10.2015
info: email:
