Food, lab and swing for the ex Asylum Spring Festival

ex asilo filangieri

Spring Festival will be a very original and genuine one that will take shape, Sunday, March 22, from noon until late evening, the former Asilo Filangieri Vico Maffei 4 in Naples, a few steps from Via San Gregorio Armeno. An appointment under the sign of socialization and that, on the occasion of the annual awakening of nature, will allow all guests to play with the earth and go wild. It will be possible to collect the vegetables planted in the Garden Asylum on the Feast of the beans, which are then assigned to the Cucinieri Clandestini, ready to prepare food self-produced, healthy and good. A rendez vous for everyone, during which the children will have the chance to play with the plants and enjoy snacks prepared by the girls of the Center for Power Aware, while adults can juggle the market of the artisans, who will fill color and beauty the arches of the courtyard, captivating live music, sounds and noises folk art performances, lessons lindy hop and a dj set swing. Start at 12 with the care of pallets synergistic, the laboratory for children of nursery summer and the expected harvest. There will also be a workshop of origami and from 19.30, Swing classes to learn how to take the first steps of lindy hop thanks to the guys of Swingin’Napoli. Afterwards, the whole evening to swing with dj Tone Cooper.