A Faicchio the 2015 edition of the Festival of Medievalia

Faicchio Festa Medievalia 2015

From Friday 4 to Sunday, September 6, a unique and unforgettable, in the architecture of a beautiful old town, with flag-waving, jugglers, falconers, archers, musicians and acrobats, costume parades, tournaments and food stands with typical medieval . The feast commemorates a central figure of the historical period and that is the aristocrat, who through the streets of the village claimed donations for the lords of the manor. At the heart of the program of the three days of Medievalia, games that are played between the eight districts of the country or the Favicella, Caudara, Casali, Cortisano, Fontanavechia, Blob, Marafi and Massa.

We will then re-enactments of the arts of war as the Palio of the archers, or ludichi games entertainment secular as the Palio della Botte and Tug piñata. And as mentioned, finished the game the party will continue at the table with dishes simple and typical of the historical epoch evoked, that reproduce the typical local products with meat dishes, accompanied by special wines and seasoned with precious oils. So a dip in the taste of the past of Faicchio.

Here is the program in detail:

Friday, September 4, 2015

18 hours

Historical procession – Presentation of the districts – “Calendaticum et strenas” – Drop-Palio 2014 – Casali

19 hours – Opening Palio- Archers – Tournament of fit – Entertainment Flag Wavers City of Florence

20 hours – Opening Stand: A table in the gardens of the Duke – Entertainment Company The Tournament

21 hours – Palio: Tug of war – Palio of the barrel (youth and adults)

Entertainment Company The Tournament

Saturday, September 5, 2015

18 hours – Historical procession – Presentation of the Archers Titerno

19 hours – Games – Opening Palio – Palio: Palo maypole – Entertainment Flag Wavers City of Florence – Entertainment Dragon Group’s historical Fieramosca – Entertainment King’s Falconers

20 hours – opening stand: A table in the gardens of the Duke – Entertainment Company The Tournament

21 hours – Palio: Race in the bags – Palio of the barrel – Tug of war – Entertainment Dragon Group’s historical Fieramosca – Entertainment Company of La Giostra

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The morning in the Piazza Palmieri Falconry teaching

10 am – Historical procession – Palio: Launch of the rings children – Palio: Final Tug

Palio: Final Palio of tank (youth and adults) – Palio: Final Race with the sack

12.30 – Opening stand: A table in the Gardens of Duke

18 hours – Historical procession – Investiture of the archers

19 hours – Palio: Palio of the archers – Entertainment Sbandieratori City of Florence – Palio: Racing rooster – Proclamation winning Contrada with Burning Arrow – Assignment Palio

20 hours – opening stand: A table in the Gardens of Duke – Entertainment Dragon Group’s historical Fieramosca – Entertainment King’s Falconers – Entertainment Company The Tournament