At Herculaneum, a weekend of history, art and taste

Apolline Project

It will be the MAV – Virtual Archaeological Museum of Ercolano, to accommodate 15 to 18 October “Archeo Video Festival”, an international festival of films and documentaries on archeology, ancient art and the new technologies of digital simulation. An appointment by the program dense and rich previews, that will fascinate both large and toddlers.

An interesting project signed Pro Loco Hercvlanevm under the artistic direction of Antonio Borriello and support Mav led by Ciro Cacciola.

Start on Thursday 15 at 10.30 with a world premiere: “Nefertina Nile” and follow the national preview of “Le Grand Cirque Calder” by Jean Painlevé and extracts from “Little Circus” Carlos Villardebo. The afternoon will be dedicated to schools thanks to the “arCtoons”, but also “The imaginary worlds of Winsor McCay” and the documentary “Life and death in Pompeii and Herculaneum”. On the morning of Friday 16 (from 10), it will be entirely devoted to documentaries: “Herculaneum, Villa dei Papiri”, “Herculaneum, Northwest Passage” and “The Papiri in Herculaneum X-ray.” At 16.30, the meeting space Apollo Project, a recovery of the Villa Augustea at Somma Vesuvius and the ruins of Pollena. At 18, Sergio Leone’s classic, “The Colossus of Rhodes”.

Saturday 17, will be the turn of “Herculaneum – Diaries of darkness and light” Marcellino De Baggis and “Romulus and Remus” by Sergio Corbucci with Steve Reeves and Gordon Scott, also scripted by Sergio Leone. In the auditorium, on the occasion of the twinning between Herculaneum and the Chinese city of Xi’an, it will be screened at 11.30 a video on the army of Terracotta. In the afternoon, however, we will discuss about “The old cinema”. Afterwards, a reenactment with performance of the group “Legion 1 Adiutrix” Pompeii and the “Historical Group Oplonti”. Throughout the day will be organized also guided tours the archaeological site of Herculaneum.

Focus on food Sunday 18 (10.30) with “Taste of DC ’79”. For the occasion, they will relive breads and foods of ancient Pompeii thanks to the Michelin-starred chef Paul Gramaglia, who will explain what were the dishes of the time with a lot of samples of bread prepared as then. It will be screened also “Pompeii, what they ate in ancient Rome”.