If Easter is…felix!! 30.000 admissions in Ruins, Palaces and Museums of Naples and Campania


The Councillor for Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Campania Region, Pasquale Sommese today presented the final data of tourist in Naples and Campania during the Easter holidays. In head, stand the ruins of Pompeii with 12.000 entries, followed by 2.049 tickets “detached” in nearby Herculaneum (visited last Saturday also from German Chancellor Angela Merkel) and 201 to Oplonti excavations, the Villa of Poppea. With 3.157 entries, the Royal Palace of Caserta contends the scepter together as a royal palace in Turin most visited Italy. The Museum of San Gennaro has recorded 2,723 visitors, the Archaeological 6.100, the Angevin Castle 3.000. The hotels have registered 82% of the rooms filled with a 2% more than last year. 200 Bed and Breakfast, 85% sold out. Arrivals at Capodichino airport exceeded the 5% those of Easter 2014, with a predominance of English, French, Japanese and Spanish. With the new direct flight Naples – Tel Aviv was also reported the presence of many Israelis. Finally, thanks to “Art Card”, in collaboration with the Superintendence, there have been three special openings: the treasures of the Cabinet of Gems at the Archaeological Museum, the Pompeian Salette the apartment of Ferdinand II at the Royal Palace, the underground gothic of San Martino Museum. “We record – said the commissioner Sommese – 30 000 appearances between excavations, museums and palaces. This figure is very important, further increasing the already excellent result of last year ”. ” We are on track to achieve the goal for which we have worked hard in recent years: make tourism and culture, the winning combination of the relaunch of Campania. The Region has done all he had, since the new law on tourism. Now it’s up to the municipalities, the Superintendence, each for his part. We offer more services, more welcoming, more innovation, more security to grow even more in national and international level the desire to visit the extraordinary beauty of cultural, artistic, archaeological, historical, and natural landscapes of Campania” concluded Sommese. [charme-gallery]