Vintage sails, concerts, cars and historic carriages in the Gulf of Naples

vele d'epoca napoli

From Thursday, June 30 until Sunday July 3rd place in the waters of the Gulf of Naples, one of the classic sailing events of the year. One with Vintage Sails. For over ten years patron and organizer of the event the Royal Yacht Club Canottieri Savoia. And this time, by the direction of the quay of the ancient Borgo Marinari, will coordinate an event that will see many players in addition to the sails of the belle époque. Concerts, historical carriages and car parades will entertain the many speakers as all those present on the Naples waterfront.

But we see the program in detail:

June 30th

The first day you begin immediately with a bang. After the race scheduled in the morning you can visit the ship Amerigo Vespucci in those days docked at the Port of Naples Molo Angioino. In the evening, guests will be able not to be guided by the wake of the restaurateurs scents of the ancient village of fishermen that for the occasion will prepare the best dishes of the traditional Neapolitan cuisine

July 1

In the morning, double date, regatta + cooking competition between skipper and in the afternoon will parade along the seafront vintage cars also the protagonists of a photographic competition. In the evening, however, in that the Piazza del Plebiscito there is a great concert of the Band of the Navy

July 2

In the morning, double date even in this day with the naval parade and salute to Amerigo Vespucci and, subsequently, another race of Vintage Sails. Even the ancient royal carriages will be part on this day beautifying even more the Promenade with their presence

July 3

Closing day of the races for Vele d’Epoca and awards ceremony of the winning crews and boats.