Today is the birthday of 126esimo Pizza Margherita !! Happy Birthday !!

storia pizza

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy, happy birthday to you !! Never birthday is the most delicious and tasty as that of the Pizza Margherita. For over a hundred years you have invaded the whole world bringing everywhere the tastes and flavors of typical Neapolitan cooking. But let’s see what is the long journey through the history through which we come to get then the queen of pizzas. The source of the news that we will quote you that in an article by Stephen Carnazzi, is very analytically the topic. We’ll try to summarize.

It starts from the Neolithic, for it is only in this period that begins to use to cook food or flour, cooking on hot stone. While the yeast appears far ahead thanks to the ancient Egyptians From hard bread cooked on the stone at the taverns of Naples, to the conquest of the world: the fascinating journey of a dish born poor and increasingly rich in history, ingredients, tastes and glory. Then the Romans were to begin using to cook the flour to mo ‘of hard, sometimes started using as a “container” for other dishes. In the seventh century inziò then to be used a word like the current “Pizza” and was bizzo-lace “a Gothic Lombard word to describe a piece of bread or a cake. In the Middle Ages for the first time it is called “pizza”, and it happens for a cake in Gaeta. From 1300 onwards, on various documents, including the Roman Curia, he is often cited, then word starts to get food and then in common use. In 1535, the poet Benedetto di Falco, in a paper, clarifies even more the proper use of the word and writes “says the cake, is that in Neapolitan pizza”. From 1600 onwards he began to take more and more current guise.

This disc of bread now has become a more and more food on the tables above all in the south of the boot. And at these times, the oil replaces lard in the recipe preparation and appear even herbs like basil. It was the maestro Nicola using it first in its pizza recipe to Mastunicola (hence perhaps the dialect “vasunicola” to indicate the basil). From this moment the basil seasoning becomes basic and fundamental of the pizza. In 1750, a berry from the Americas appears in Europe, and is the tomato. At the beginning of 1800 the pizza began to be produced as well as the common people, even food from the king. Ferdinand IV of Bourbon in fact, offers its guests during his receptions, and is said also that was cooked in the ovens where they were cooked the very local Capodimonte ceramics. In 1858 then it happens that in one written by Francesco De Boucard, appears the recipe for margarita pizza as we know it today.

So many believe that this is his official birthday. But in reality, in our view, because in the script indicates that the tomato is a factor but this is optional, “sometimes you use” is written, it can not be this his birth. La Margherita, without the obligation of the tomato, is not she. It ‘s another thing. And then we come to that in June of 1889, when the chef of Pizzeria Brandi maestro Raffaele Esposito (the place is still existing in Naples and is run by the family Pagnani), in honor of Queen Margherita in those days in the home of the Royal Palace in Naples , created the Margherita as well as the still eat and that is with tomato, mozzarella and basil, playing in a plate so the famous tricolor italics.

And so much pizza and friends especially his queen, Margaret. Hopefully now we complete a final act. That UNESCO, as requested by Italy, to recognize the intangible cultural heritage of humanity.