In Naples for travel in the footsteps of Virgilio Mago in the light of the lanterns


A “grand tour” of the flavor. Ready to unraveling the footsteps of the poet of the Aeneid, right into the intricacies of Partenope. The event is scheduled for Saturday, November 8, at 9:pm, with “The Golden Moscow” show route developed by Mani e Vulcani, directly on the trail of “The Wizard Virgil”. The narrators of the company will lead fans and spectators practically by the hand, leading them down a path and evocative, illuminating their steps and minds with the help of oil lanterns. Together, they will move a little at a time, to discover the Naples of myth, enchanted symbols, of witchcraft and, more importantly, the “key figure” of this particular story … poet and magician, holy and damned: Publio Virgilio Marone. Traces of his “miracles”, once scattered and visible in various parts of the city, now you just have the memories handed down, as well as from the collective memory (modificatasi gradually, with the passage of time), especially from a text end of the fourteenth century, the Chronicle Partenope, kept in the National Library of Naples. And it is precisely on this manuscript by an anonymous author, steeped in traditions and popular beliefs that are based most of the research to reconstruct the exploits of the “poet-magician” hallowed Neapolitan’s even before San Gennaro and still exists in their consciousness (just think of the miracle of the egg Virgil, which is linked to the history of Castel dell’Ovo and the very existence of Naples), although, as you will have the opportunity to discover, with different look and appearance. So the journey begin …

The Moscow Golden…show route on the trail of Virgilio Mago
Saturday, November 8, an event outside the Cathedral of Naples, h: 9 pm.
Ticket: 10,00 EUR
info and reservations are required +39.081.5643978 – 340.4230980
