Totems sing the famous song of Naples


The Neapolitan Song is one of the themes of the two thematic runs studied from Common of Naples for May of the Monuments 2013 (the program in The Archivio Storico della Canzone napoletana (Historic record office of Neapolitan song) of the national TV RAI (Naples) cooperates with the Cultural department of the Naples City Council to create this Music Tour. It is featured in five stops: Palazzo Reale, Santa Maria la Nova, Suor Orsola Benincasa, PAN – Palazzo Arti Napoli, Convento di San Domenico Maggiore, Casina Pompeiana (Villa Comunale), in each place a totem will broadcast music illustrate his history. [charme-gallery]

Among the themes: Salvatore Di Giacomo 12 different versions of his most famous songs Catarì, ‘E spingole frangese, Era de maggio, Marechiare, Luna nova, Napulitanata, Oilì oilà, Palomma ‘e notte e Sere­nata napoletana, 6 different versions of other songs such as ‘A nuvena, ‘A retirata, ‘A sirena, Canzona ‘mbriaca, Carcioffolà, Lariulà, Mierolo affurtunato e Munasteri, and 36 not so famous songs. [charme-gallery]Pino Daniele: 132 songs written and performed by Pino Daniele, 24 performed together with other artists and 36 performed by other artists as Mina a Raiz, Gino Paoli, Giulietta Sacco, Peppino di Capri…. Roses and flowers: 132 songs about roses and 12 about flowers. May: 60 versions of the song di Era de maggio, 48 of ‘Na sera ‘e maggio, 24 di Torna maggio!, 12 of ‘E quatto ‘e maggio, 12 of Maggio si’ tu!, 12 of ‘O mese d’ ‘e rrose and other songs dedicated to the month of May.