The icons of Mother of God on display at the Diocesan Museum of Naples


Continues in the halls of the Diocesan Museum of Naples, the exhibition dedicated to Mary, the mother of the Savior. An exhibition that opened its doors last December 5 and that will close on April 5, the result of the marriage between art and Christian faith. The “event” dedicated to “Icons of the Mother of God” is housed in the nuns choir plexus of wide Donnaregina place where culture and spirituality meet, giving rise to high art forms of charm and appeal.
Thirty precious specimens of Russian sacred images , stylized according to the canons of Eastern Europe, but from one of the most important collections of the Christian West , which testify to the strength of Marian devotion in the Russian landù. Manufacturing are part of the seventeenth century , partly painted in the eighteenth century and still partly dating back to the nineteenth century. They come directly from the extraordinary collection Intesa Sanpaolo. And for the first time will be visible to the public until next spring.


The event, unique in its kind, provides for a very special moment for the world of art and culture in general, in the light of the richness and character of the exhibits on display at the Diocesan Museum of Naples.

The icons of the Mother of God
The exhibition is open to the public until April 5, 2014
Diocesan Museum, Naples Largo Donnaregina
tel . +39.081.5571365