The wonders of the nativity scene on display in Naples


And ‘now in its 13th edition and is an appointment that is renewed every year on time. We are talking about the Exhibition of Nativity Scenes organized by the Neapolitan nativity scenes.
This year will be held from 29 November 2014 to 11 January 2015 in the Church of the Cross of Lucca in Piazza Miraglia, in Via dei Tribunali with free admission every day from 9:30 to 19:30.
To do the honors will be Cardinal Crescenzo Sepe, together with the prestigious representation of the Second University of Naples the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage of Naples, the City of Naples, of Municipalities.
For the lucky visitors who will take part in the exhibition, on display over 70 works, including cribs and pastors all made by hand.


These are unique pieces, whose history and tradition will be widely explained by members of the Association who provide free assistance Multilingual numerous foreign tourists who annually attend the exhibition.
Recall that the Association Neapolitan nativity scenes, was founded in Naples in 2002 and has about 400 members among teachers and scholars of the genre Presepistico exhibitors.
Among the many wonderful creations by these magicians crafts, a special mention goes to the Nativity Institutional, presented at the XI Exhibition of Christmas 2012 with the shepherds made by Masters Antonio Esposito and Maurizio Sammartino, animals in terracotta by Maestro Francesco Centomani and pre-colored wax models by Maestro Raffaele Troncone.

13th Edition of Art Exhibition Nativity
November 29, 2014 – January 11, 2015
Church of the Cross of Lucca, Piazza Miraglia, Naples
Admission Free