At PAN Naples Happy Earth Days – Festival of Arts for the Earth to celebrate Earth Day

From April 22 to 29 the Pan Palace of Arts of Naples will host the fourth edition of Happy Earth Days -Festival of Arts for the Earth. Here is the program of the event


The Earth Day, Earth Day (April 22, 2017), will be celebrated this year, at the Pan Palazzo delle Arti Napoli, which will host, on the ground floor (Loft, Foyer, Foyer and Room Pan), the fourth edition of the Happy Earth Days, an event conceived, sponsored and organized by ArtStudio’93. The event received, this year, the sponsorship of Earth Day Italy, entering the national calendar of official celebrations of Earth Day 2017 and to WWFe Slow Food.

The exhibition, which will accompany this year’s event, which will be open during the whole week, will host unpublished photo projects, works of land art and environmental installations, installations of sound and visual art, in collaboration with major festivals industry, such as Land Art Campi Flegrei, Liminaria, Interference, and Pollinaria conNaturarte of Lodi and the other and the MAAM -Museo of Rome.

Among them will be chosen by a jury, the work that will receive the Happy and Arth Day Prize 2017, which this year will be made by Furnace Falcone, partner of the event, designed for four hands of two masters of contemporary art , Quintino Scolavino and Carmine Rezzuti, artists guests of the event.

At the Hall Pan, it will also be available talk area, where they will stay, meetings and conferences on issues related to the defense of the Earth.

The first meeting will be devoted to the presentation of the book “The expanded field -Art and agriculture in Italy from the sixties to today”, edited by Simone Eyelashes. Speakers Leandro Pisano, curator of the Festival Interferenzee Gaetano Carboni, curator Pollinaria. Guest British artist Angus Carlyle. Interactions sound artist Fabio Perletta.

At the end of the event will also be held the conference on “Art Projects for the Earth”, with artists Daniela Gorla ( “The great mothers” -Naturarte) and Nicca Iovinella ( “Ancient Freedom” -Mann, winner of the Happy Earth Days 2016).

Events off | Nea Space

We plant trees or we plant trees – Joseph Beuys and ecological practice as a social sculpture.

Of major importance is the Conference, under the Matronato Donnaregina the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, dedicated to Joseph Beuys, one of the leading exponents of contemporary art and artistic commitment pioneer in defense of nature.

Happy Earth Day was born from the need to raise public awareness on the issue of respect for our planet and the environment, through the Art in all its forms.

Logistics areas for the event.

Art for Earth -Happy Earth Day Prize 2017 | Foyer -Atrio -Loft

They will be on display works of photography, environmental land art installations, sound and visual art, selected by Artstudio’93 and can be visited during the event, which lasts a week.

This year the award will be made by Furnace Falcone designed by two masters of contemporary art, Quintino Scolavino and Carmine Rezzuti, guests of the event. In addition, the winning artist will be housed in the residence, as of September 2017, in an important estate in the Sannio, devoted to the environment, opening soon.

Happy Green Lab | Loft -Area teaching

Continuing even workshops for children and young people, and schools, which this year will focus on creative recycling, water saving and environmental consciousness, and that will be enriched as always from sustainable snacks, offered by the partner companies of the event.

Happy Earth Talk | room Pan

Conferences, debates and projections about the relationship between man and the environment, environmental awareness and the arts for the Earth, with experts of the themes from the event.

Aperigreen | Loft

Wine tasting of organic and natural wines paired with food products organic, vegetarian, vegan, 0 km, by the partner companies of the event.

Happy Green Party | -Atrio Loft-Foyer

The inauguration of the event this year will coincide with Earth Day, Saturday, April 22, 2017, so it will be a real feast for Earth, Happy Green Party, for which he suggested a Dress Code, with the use of “green” clothing in fabrics and / or natural colors.

In tribute to Happy Earth Days 2017, throughout the day on April 22, the Madredi Naples Museum will change its name to motherland!


Saturday, April 22 Earth Day

In tribute to Happy Earth Days 2017, throughout the day, the Madredi Museum Naples will change its name to motherland!

11:00 Sala Pan Conference to present the event – Following Loft -Atrio -Foyer Inauguration of Happy Earth Days 2017
13:00 | Loft -AperiGreen -tasting food & beverage offered by the partner companies of the event.
17:30 Presentation of the book “The expanded field” | room Pan – Art and agriculture in Italy from the 60s to today. The book aims to investigate some of the plot knots between contemporary art and agriculture, focusing its gaze on Italy from the sixties to the present day: starting from Arte Povera, through the central experiences of GianfrancoBaruchello eJoseph Beuys, until the partial eclipse in the postmodern, to arrive at the scene of the last fifteen years witnessed a renewed presence of rurality in the art scene.

Sunday, April 23 | Loft -Atrio -Foyer -Sala Pan

9: 30-14: 00 Opening exhibition
10:00 art walk-Cycle edited by S & R Performance, WWFe Cicloverdi FIAB (by reservation).
16:00 Events off | Space Nea – Video conferencing Lodiper with the official inauguration of the Cathedral of Plant Giuliano Mauri, the presence of the critic Philippe Daverio.

Monday, April 24 | Loft -Atrio -Foyer

9: 30 -19.00 Opening exhibition

Tuesday, April 25


Wednesday, April 26 | Loft -Atrio -Foyer

9:30 – 19.00 Opening exhibition
10: 00 | Teaching Area -Loft – 26/04/1937 -26/04/2017 The Third Heaven for Kid’s Guernica. For 80 years since the bombing of the Spanish town, Fondazione Pistoletto and Kid’s Guernica propose a workshop to make the students a large canvas, which will travel through time to get to Scampia. Following sustainable snack, by the partner companies of the event.

Thursday, April 27 | Loft -Atrio -Foyer

9: 30-17.00 Opening exhibition
10: 00 | Teaching Area -Loft- educational workshop for children on creative recycling. Following sustainable snack, by the partner companies of the event.
17: 30 | Events off | Space Nea – We plant trees or trees planted us- Joseph Beuys and ecological practice as a social sculpture. – Of major importance is the Conference, under the Matronato Donnaregina the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, dedicated to Joseph Beuys, one of the leading exponents of contemporary art and artistic commitment pioneer in defense of nature.

Friday, April 28 | Loft -Atrio -Foyer -Sala Pan

9: 30-19.00 Opening exhibition

10: 00 | Teaching Area -Loft – Educational workshop “Measure your footprint”, organized by the Agrigiochiamo. Water book, water teaching, edited by Ferrarelle. Following sustainable snack, by the partner companies of the event.
17:30 | room Pan – Conference on “Art Projects for the Earth” -Ospiti: Daniela Gorla, project “great mothers” Naturarte Lodi; Nicca Iovinella, project “Ancient Freedom”, Mann Naples.
18:30 | Loft – AperiGreen tasting food & beverage offered by the partner companies of the event.

Saturday, April 29 | Loft -Atrio -Foyer -Sala Pan

9:30  – 19.00 Opening exhibition
10: 00 | Teaching Area -Loft – educational workshop for families, by the WWF Naples, on the topic of packaging in everyday life (by reservation). – A follow sustainable snack, by the partner companies of the event.
17:30 Sala Pan – Ceremony of Happy Days Earth Prize 2017. The Prize will be realizzatodaFornace Falcone, designed for four hands of two masters of contemporary art, Quintino Scolavino and Carmine Rezzuti, artists guests of the event.
18:30 | Loft – AperiGreen tasting food & beverage event offered by partner companies.

Artists on display

Aniello Barone -Photography
Antonello Scotti -Photography (with Domenico Mennillo)
Giacomo Savio -installation

Massimiliano Santoro -installation
Paola Romoli Venturi -installation / performance

Nicca Iovinella -Video
Quintino Scolavino and Carmine Rezzuti -installation

Angelo Maisto -Sculpture / Installation
Chiara Caterina and Angus Carlyle -installation audiovisual
Neal Peruffo and Massimo Scamarcio sound -installation