Dark Castle … chocolatiers at work. A Limatola the Chocolate Festival

Dark Castle from Friday, March 24 to Sunday, April 2, the chocolate festival at Castello di Limatola.


At the start 24 March with closing on April 2, the first edition of the Chocolate Festival entitled “Dark Castle … chocolatiers at work”. A festival, with continuous hours from 10 to 24, dedicated to the nectar of cocoa powder for ten days will give the possibility to its guests to delight the sweet tooth of handmade chocolate, chocolate sculptures as well as listen to live blues and jazz music, or raptures between the floral beauty of the Jardin des Fleurs, the large greenhouse that houses ancient plants of roses and camellias. Maitres Chocolatiers reward then, between the work of the chocolate makers present, the most beautiful Easter egg made specifically for the event. Visitors can spend their day by visiting the Castle among the many stands present including those of Easter decorations. Even for the children there will be a space dedicated to them, the one with the magic of Alice in Wonderland woods. The cost of admission is 5 € from Monday to Friday and 10 € on Saturday and Sunday, also includes a drink at the rest of the structure.

Castello di Limatola
Via Castello, 1
medieval town of Limatola
82030 – Limatola (BN)

Web site: www.castellodilimatola.net/index.php

Social page: www.facebook.com/CastelloLimatola