Song ‘Swing Festival in Naples from 26 to 28 May

In Naples, the third edition of the Song 'Swing Festival from 26 to 28 May. I start at the Galleria Principe di Napoli, the weekend at the Hart in via Crispi

Song’ Swing Festival a Napoli
Song’ Swing Festival a Napoli

The third edition of the Song ‘Swing Festival in Naples from 26 to 28 May. Three days devoted entirely to Swing in all its forms.

This year, the Song ‘Swing Festival offers a long weekend with dancing evenings, shows, concerts with international bands and djs, performances, competitions and 14 hours dedicated to Jazz dance studios with world renowned professional dancers.

The Festival in this 2017 promises three days of pure fun, for enthusiasts and curious who want to know and approach this fascinating world.

Song of the Swing will be the dance workshops, led by award-winning masters Mikey Pedroza (USA), Tatiana Udry (FR), Jenny Thomas (EN), Matteo de Stefano (IT) Gosia Aniolkowska (PL) and Adam Brozowski USA). All participants will be able to refine their technique, improve individual stylistic, expressive and creative aspects, and learn new figures to run alone or in pairs. For those who have never danced but want to start, there will be dedicated workshops with Swingin ‘masters of Naples.

The Opening Party will be on Friday 26 in the location of excellence, the historic Galleria Principe di Napoli.

An absolutely special party. To open the dance, at 8.30 pm will be the djs residents S’Nap! And ToneCooper who, throughout the festival, will alternate in console with guest djs Adam, Alec and LucieQ to create the perfect soundtrack for each evening.

At 21 o’clock, Uanema Orchestra will join Uanema Orchestra, accompanied by Neapolitan singer Fabiana Martone. She will be racing on the track as in a New York-based ballroom from the 30’s, offering a repertoire ranging from blues to ragtime, swinging to the most famous songs.

Following the Dr. Jazz & Dirty Bucks Swing Band “will feature his latest CD” Ammuìn ‘To Congo Square “, where the dixieland rhythms and the Neapolitan song blend to give life to a sound related to traditions but with a look turned innovation.

On Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th the Song ‘Swing Festival moves to the Hart of Via Crispi.

On the 27th, the Uanema Orchestra returns to the stage of Song’Swing, which with its energy will give birth to a show of great emotional impact, presenting a whole new repertoire, made of famous soundtracks and revisions of great successes of the swing Italian.

The flagship of this edition will be the Dizzy Bird, today considered one of the best hot jazz bands in the scene. He has collaborations with some of New Orleans’ most famous musicians and not only. Dizzy Bird will offer new audiences with inspirational interpretations and arrangements, surely delighting both dancers and jazz connoisseurs.

Sunday 28, final with the bang. The first to get on stage will be THE G-MEN … or swing soldiers! They’re only three, but carry all the energy and power of a full Big Band. A real task force led by Giorgio Cùscito, who intervenes where he needs Swing, “firing” notes in all directions that he fancies wanting to dance … an irresistible desire.

A Jam Session that will swing the Song ‘Swing until late at night and allow the public to dive into the most authentic swinging atmosphere.

An appointment not to be missed, therefore, with the Song ‘Swing that brings to Naples all the energy, the cheerfulness and the care of a world that lives at the overwhelming and irresistible pace of the Swing.

Program in detail:


@Milonga Porteña

Via Diocleziano 109 – Naples

Open to everyone after signing up

26 May 15.00 – 18.30

27 May 9.00 – 18.30

28 May 9.00 – 18.30


26 May 20:30

Opening Party @Galleria Principe di Napoli

Piazza Museo – Naples


Live Band:

Uanema Orchestra + Fabiana Martone

Dr. Jazz & Dirty Bucks Swing Band

Dj Set:

S’Nap! | Alec | Tone Cooper

27 May 21:30

Night Party @Hart

Via Francesco Crispi, 33 – Naples

Entrance fee 20 €

Live Band:

Uanema Orchestra + Fabiana Martone

Dizzy Birds

Dj Set:

Adam | Lucie Q djette | Tone Cooper

28 May 21:30

Jam Session Night @Hart

Via Francesco Crispi, 33 – Naples

Entrance fee 20 €

Live Set:


All Song’Swing Artists Jam Session

Dj Set:

Tone Cooper | Alec | Lucie Q blaze

Info on

Event Facebook page at