The Treasure of San Gennaro arrive in Paris


After the huge success of Rome, makes a stop in Paris , the exhibition “The Treasure of Naples – Masterpieces of the Museo di San Gennaro” from 19 March to 20 July, the Maillol Museum will host part of the Treasure of San Gennaro, who for the first time released Italy. The exhibition, entitled “Le tresor de Naples. Les Joyaux de San Gennaro“, curated by Paul Iorio, director of the Museo di San Gennaro, whose headquarters is located right next to the Cathedral of Naples, and the historian of the French art Jean -Loup Champion, with a fine set design signed by Hubert Le Gall, was presented the Italian embassy in Paris. Guests of the Ambassador Giandomenico Magliano: Olivier Lorquin, president of the Fondation Dina Vierny, and Patrizia Nitti, director of the Maillol Museum.

In the capital Transalpine we will be showing about 90 pieces of the highest level of 21.610 masterpieces that make up the incredible treasure dedicated to the patron of Naples, formed through 700 years of donations from the popes, emperors, kings , but also former popular vote , which historical value exceeds that of the Crown Jewels of England and the Czar of Russia. The Parisians will be able to admire the Mithras, created in 1713, in silver gilt, 3.326 diamonds, 164 rubies, 198 emeralds, garnets and 2, and the necklace of San Gennaro, one of the most precious jewels in the world.

The exhibition, in addition to presenting the collection – which belongs to the Deputation, secular institution – traces the evolution of the cult of the patron saint of Naples, and the development of Neapolitan goldsmith’s art that has been perfected over the centuries. “The Treasure of Naples – Masterpieces of the Museo di San Gennaro ” is currently taking place in Rome, in the Palazzo Sciarra, until February 16