Hanging cherry tomato, the festival has its king

Pomodorino del Piennolo

Anywhere and everywhere. Yes, that’s right. In each dish cooked and prepared in the shadow of Vesuvius could be not only a welcome guest, but even the main actor. Who are we talking about? But the “piennolo” what a question! Pure and brilliant red gold grown on the fertile lands of Mount Vesuvius. The term “piennolo” derives from the singular “tail” that this particular type of vegetable shows, although there are those who would like to make it derive its name from the fact that farmers, to make them mature, they “hang” on the laces braided cord.

However, from Friday 18 until July 20 and the “hanging cherry tomato” will be the focus of the fifth edition of the Festival of Cercola. Undisputed ruler and beat the Neapolitan cuisine, the red gold of the corner will be repeated in all the “sauces”, now going to add flavor to a fried pizza now a caprese with mozzarella. And for lovers of pasta dishes, here is a large pan of dumplings with meat sauce sea. If you have a good imagination you could even feel the smell already.

Think it’s over? Not at all. After the binge of “red” close your eyes as well materialize in front of you and here is a typical Italian frying, the scene immediately after the main dish. And to close, always if you are not already full, help yourself a nice plate of hot hot clips. And finally, enjoy the cabaret show of the friends of “Made in the South” and the music of Radio Mars: they will keep company to the guests of three days in the Vesuvian town. Do not miss, do not you?

Festival of the Tomato Piennolo
Avenue of Plane trees, 1
Cercola (Na)

Info  www.prolococercola.com/eventi/