Appetizer jazz at S. Severo al Pendino with “Psychological Tarots”


Jazz and art in the frame of the monumental complex St. Severo al Pendino. Founded in 1448, the church of St. Severo al Pendino has crossed different architectural restaurations in its life, even if the last of these has returned her the native form that it sees to the inside a plant to Greek cross with two chapels, a structure I delay sixteenth-century embellished by decorations of the Seven hundred one. The façade, instead, that neorinascimentale has remained realized with the jobs in the street Cathedral to end ‘800.[charme-gallery]

Desecrated and turned espositivo to space, within May of the Monuments 2013 open the doors to entertain in his/her charm the show, to free entry, of the 78 works of the artist Turinese Susanna Viale that they represent the arcane great and the arcane smaller some bunch of papers of the Tarots.[charme-gallery]

Saturday May 11 th, from the 17 to the 19, the show is accompanied by one of the voices more intense and deep salernitane, Virginia Sorrentino, in the formula of the trio jazz together with Lello Petrerca to the plan and Marco De Tilla to the contrabbasso.

Appetizer, sideboard and music: European 10.

For info: 3343329500 –