At the Madre Museum in Naples the fairy tales are…stitched

Ricucire una fiaba con Maria Lai al museo Madre di Napoli

Construct a narrative by cutting and assembling fabric and cotton threads. This is the challenge-game in which they are called parents and children for “Tales stitched up“, the first of three events “Family MADR #2“, a series of meetings Sunday to discover together the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art Madre of Naples (Sunday, October 26, from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm).

Through the magical use of the frame, the bread and the objects of the universe archaic Sardinia, the artist Maria Lai gives birth to an artistic practice in which the memory of the past is proposed as an investigation of the future. In the 80s, are its fundamental research in the field as well as performative loops sewn books, through which, the Sardinian artist, explores the relationship with the world of childhood and education.
The children and their parents, assisted by the educational staff of the museum, delve into issues and positions of the artistic movements such as visual poetry and concrete poetry. After visiting the museum’s collection of contemporary art in via Settembrini, adults and children, together, reflect on the value and meaning of fairy tales and ancient folktales to make a “Artist Book” in which, following the example of ‘opera “the Legend of Sardus Pater” by Maria Lai – Per_forming a collection (second floor of the museum) – to build a narrative by cutting and assembling fabric and cotton threads. Other events on the calendar for 2014 Family MOTHER # 2 are Sunday, November 30 and Sunday, December 21.

Sunday, October 26, from 10.30 am to 13.30 pm hours
Family MOTHER#2 – Tales stitched up
Museum Madre via Settembrini 79, Naples
