Naples hosts the festival of electronic literature

Napoli, il Maschio Angioino

For the entire month of October, Naples became the electronics thanks to “OLE.01“, International Festival of Electronic Literature, which will take up to 31 all over the city tens of events, installations, concerts, shows for the first time in Italy (click here for the full program). The concept of the show is that blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the app can become art, music, poetry and theater. “Elecrify your imagination” is the slogan of the festival, says artistic director Lello Masucci “intends know and make known, investigate and reflect on how the technologies and in particular the web to influence art and literature in its various aspects, from the story to the novel, from music to video, photography, dance, theater, poetry or painting”.

“The technologies have not only changed the way we produce or to enjoy the arts – says Masucci – but they have changed the content, expression, even changing the language: the hypertext to the story using the style of the post on the social, but also poetry expressed in 140 characters tweets or text messages, from journalism to novels written on the collective blog with video installations capable of interacting with the user, or interactive fiction. Till the ebook that instead of transpose traditional books, are born designed for interactivity and multimedia of the device.’s technology has provided extraordinary potential of human creativity, in large part still to be investigated”.


A whole month of events, installations, concerts, exhibitions and debates involve the city in multiple locations: the Palazzo RealeMaschio Angioino CastleCastel dell’Ovo, Monumental Complex of San Domenico Maggiore (Sala S. Tommaso), Pan Palace of ArtsConservatorio San Pietro a MajellaIstituto Italiano per gli Studi FilosoficiPiazza DantePiazza del Gesù NuovoVilla Bruno e Villa Vannucchi (to San Giorgio a Cremano). A card (OLEcard) and an official app will allow free access to all events and activities of the Festival as well as the opportunity to take advantage of discounts and benefits at the facilities and the merchants. It will also be broadcast in full in streaming on the web TV of the OLE and is expected during the activity, the making of a documentary and the publication of an anthology of the work published in print and digital, by the Editor Liguori.

OLE.01, International Festival of Electronic Literature
Napoli 1 – October 31, 2014
Click here for the full program