Naples and Pozzuoli rediscovery Don Pedro de Toledo and the history of the Southern Renaissance

Università L’Orientale, Palazzo Du Mesnil

Renaissance South – Naples and the Viceroy Don Pedro de Toledo” is the title of the International Conference that kicked off this morning in Naples in du Mesnil Palace, home of L’Orientale University, and that will grow up to Saturday between the city of Naples and the nearby Pozzuoli. Thirty speakers who will operate out of five conference venues, analyze the influences on the history of the South and in particular the city flegrea left by the most well-known viceroy of Charles V who ruled in Italy. In particular, Pedro de Toledo (which gave its name to one of the most famous streets of Naples) was the powerhouse of the repopulation of Pozzuoli and its territories in the aftermath of the eruption of Monte Nuovo following the well known bradyseism in 1538. Among the issues discussed by scholars, professors from international universities such as the Sorbonne, Monaco, Madrid, Seville, Padua and Naples with Suor Orsola Benincasa, and Federico II, the influence of historical policy received by the viceroy during his government and social aspects, linguistic, artistic and gastronomic of Naples in the time. The conference will end on Saturday at Pozzuoli at the Polo Cultural Palace of Toledo, in Ragnisco, with an analysis of the historical legacy left by urban-Spanish nobleman. Scheduled for conference attendees to visit the archaeological underground path and the cathedral of St. Proculus in the Rione Terra and the Museum of the Castle of Baia.
