Pulvis et Umbra in the belly of Partenope with “Il Demiurgo”


Immersion in depth. Directly into the bowels of Partenope. Saturday, April 13, at 20, theUndergroundMuseumin Piazza Cavour inNaples, will host a unique and rare, staged by artists of the play “The Demiurge”. The show, titled “Pulvis and Umbra” is a “journey into the belly of mother earth”: it is a manifestation that the young actors of “Il Demiurgo”, link to re-also in summer. A show that plays on the theme of nature as a creative force and destructive. Leading the audience on this journey will be the actors Franco Nappi (who also directs the protagonists), Emilia Esposito, Salvatore Grasso and Daniele Acerra.