At Capri is already time for the future


What is culture? Why do we need it? Also to give an answer to these questions kicks off in Capri a festival dedicated to the relationship between science and art around the issues of life. Directed by director and actor Massimiliano Finazzer Flory, sponsored by the Culture and Events of the City of Capri in collaboration with the Museums of Campania, the “Week of the Future” will be attended by artists and scientists involved in the most beautiful places of island of Tiberius. “With this festival – says Finazzer Flory – we are aware that if Italy renunciation of knowledge will no longer have a recognizable style and represented. The Italian style does not internalize. It should be transmitted. It may even be lost”. The kermesse will be free admission (subject to availability) and will include conferences and debates, shows, concerts and book presentations: will be staged July 20 to 27 in a number of locations including the island, just to mention the most famous, Villa Lysis, the Gardens of Augustus, the Belvedere of Punta Tragara and the Certosa of San Giacomo. Here, here is the complete program:

The week of the Future July 20 to 27, Capri – free admission (subject to availability)

Monday, July 20, 7:00 hours pm Cave Matermania
What we do not know the island” with the geographer Franco Farinelli

Tuesday, July 21 7:00 hours pm Villa Lysis
What we do not know of contemporary art” discussion with artists, collectors and art dealers

Wednesday, July 22, 7:00 hours pm Blue Room Convention Centre
What we do not know the science” with geneticist Edoardo Boncinelli

Thursday, July 23, 7:00 hours pm Gardens of Augustus
What we do not know of liberty” with the philosopher of science Giulio Giorello

Friday, July 24 7:00 hours pm Center Caprense I. Cerio
What we do not know of the internet” with  Marco Corsaro and Amedeo Guffati founders 77Agency

Saturday, July 25 9:30 hours pm Certosa di San Giacomo
What we do not know of Leonardo” the play of Leonardo da Vinci directed by and starring Massimiliano Finazzer Flory with the participation of Claudio Strinati in the role of the interviewer

Sunday, July 26 7:00 hours pm Belvedere di Punta Tragara
What we do not know the music” concert of classical music on the piano with Jeffrey Swann

Monday, July 27, 7:00 hours pm and 9:30 hours pm departure from Marina Grande Caicco “What we do not know of the sea” with the philosopher and poet Eugenio Mazzarella

Thursday, July 23, 5:30 hours pm Gardens of Flora Caprense CHILDREN
What we do not know the color” sounds and colors from the world, laboratories of sound expression