In Naples, the race between the planter bench construction for masonry

Napoli, piazza Dante

Training and safety. These are the themes Ediltrophy 2014 edition, the race of wall art that will live Saturday, September 27, in Piazza Dante in Naples, its regional stage, organized by the Centro Formazione Maestranze Edili di Napoli. The event will bring the five building schools in Campania. Each will be represented by two teams, one junior and one senior, who will be engaged in the construction of a bench-planter walls. The works will then be donated by Cfme to the City of Naples that allocate at Villa Salvetti (Barra district) where they will be permanently placed. “The race – says the vice president of Cfme of Naples, Ciro Nappo – involves the construction work in the shortest time possible, with the best construction technique and in compliance with safety regulations. For many boys it will be a unique opportunity to compete with a real production mission, after the training period in the Center”. A jury will reward the best two artifacts. The event will participate out of competition a team composed by students of juvenile prison of Nisida. “Even this year – say the president of the Cfme Naples, Carmela Lamberti – we aim, as noted by the slogan of the event, on a building safe and sustainable. Theme of workplace accidents on construction sites is dramatically present and our structure will continue to do his best to focus on prevention”. The event will start at 9 am and will be conducted by the speaker Raul. To ease the tension of the challenge will think comedians Made In South. Winning team will participate in the final stage of the regional National Bologna, which will take place in the course of Twills, the Salone internazionale dell’industrializzazione edilizia scheduled for 22-25 October.