At Domus Ars, the Free Spirit of TreQuarti


Mazurka, scottish, Chapelloise, circle Circassian, bourrée, rondeau, valse. The TreQuarti, duo of musicians grew up in the shadow of Vesuvius, overwhelmed by the wave of trad’actueile, has been revamped with modern popular dances of the European tradition enclosing them in cd entitled “Free Spirit”, which will premiere Sunday, February 1 in the cultural center Domus Ars, in Via Santa Chiara 10 in Naples. Undisputed protagonists, authentic compositions, that TreQuarti, last year began to spread through their lively concerts treading the most important stages and Italian folk not only participating, among others, as guest artists, the 2014 editions of the festival Zingaria (first in Mesagne and then to Accadia) and Capodanze. For the occasion, in addition to listening live parts on the disc, who wants to, can also take part in an evocative stage “fandango Basque”. During the evening, beginning with “dancing” to 19, will perform Mariano Rippa (diatonic accordion) , Ciro Troise (guitar and voice) and Claudia Sasso (voice). The concert is instead scheduled at 21. For those who wish to attend both to the stage that the concert, the cost is 10 €, for the only live, 7 euro.