Here in Naples where the sea is excellent

villa martinelli posillipo napoli

So, in addition to taking towel and swimsuit, and possible protective or creamy bronzer, take also note of where, according to the regional agency ARPAC, you can safely swim this summer in the sea that breaks its own against the city. We start from the course because Molosiglio first as there is the port area, it would be pretentious to think you can swim. Then going to the Naples Rowing towards Posillipo to understand, to the height of the other social circle, the Rari Nantes, the water is considered good. So here, you decide. But let’s move on. From Castell dell’Ovo until Piazza Vittoria, the water becomes instead, excellent. That is to say, in front of the old university of Economics, diving is allowed and encouraged.

From this point on, however, and until the American Embassy, ​​back to being good again. From the edge up to the USA and CN Posillipo, do not put even one foot in the water. It ‘not recommended. Former Youth Club Nautico on, however, and for a long stretch that goes up to Nisida, everything returns to shine and the waters again becoming balnearmente excellent. So places like Palazzo Donna Anna, Villa Martinelli, Riva Fiorita and Marechiaro are the Caribbean Neapolitans. Not to mention of course the area of ​​the Archaeological Park of Gaiuola until under Nisida, where is its idyllic water quality.

But unfortunately the good things end here, because as always imagine and also why, from the island of Nisida and up to the old duty at via Naples to Pozzuoli, the water in no way permits to bathe rather quiet , it seems that also the sand is not the most recommendable. And the border town in the area bagnolese ends here, and then it ends here also our walk by the sea in order to understand where we can dive. So, good bath Neapolitan to all who wish to take advantage of it.