Football mundial, comes from Naples the tie to cheer with elegance


Cheer with style and even elegance: comes from Naples, from the historic “Maison  Cilento 1780” the idea of ​​dedicating a tie to football. “I hope to bring a piece of our elegance in Brazil and even a little ‘luck to Italy”, says Ugo Cilento, representative of the eighth generation of the family of master tailoring at the helm of secular neapolitan Maison. On the tail of the tie…mundial, has the image of a soccer player scoring goals with “hope – adds Cilento – maybe it’s just the Neapolitan Insigne“. Cilento has decided to develop the combination of sport and elegance on another tie, dedicated to water polo, sport traditionally linked to Naples. The series – each piece is made entirely by hand and in limited edition – will continue with the Summer and Winter Olympic sports.

Martino Cilento e F.llo
Via Medina 62, Naples
Ph. +39.081.5527465