Capri Hollywood 2014 tribute to Rita Hayworth

Capri, i Faraglioni

It will be dedicated to Rita Hayworth, one of the greatest divas in the 50s that gave the world the Isola Azzurra and its style, the 19 th edition of Capri-Hollywood- The International film fest (December 26-January 2) which will open the international Awards season of bringing in the Gulf of Naples, the big stars and the most anticipated titles in the running for the Oscars 2015 the event has the support of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture (DG Cinema), the Campania Region (Department of Tourism and Cultural Heritage) with the town of Capri and Anacapri. The tribute to the “goddess of love” as it was nicknamed the American actress starred in “Gilda” and “Blood and Sand,” will include screenings of restored films and exhibitions of photos. ”After Ingrid Bergman, Grace Kelly, Maria Callas – announces Tony Petruzzi, president of the Capri in the World Institute – this year we want to remember a true icon of beauty as well as great actress, one of the first that helped to promote Capri as half of the star system for choosing a romantic trip in July 1950 with the new husband Aly Khan”. Chairman of the event will be produced by Pascal Vicedomini the Indian director Shakar Kapur.