Two thousand children in Nola for the “Festival of Rights”


Twenty-one schools, 24 associations, an audience of 2,000 boys, experts of rights for children, social workers, workshops to educate the common good. And ‘the third edition of the “Festival of the rights of children”, sponsored by the school of the Diocese of Nola, the Cooperative “Irene ’95” Marigliano and by the Department of Education and Cultural Heritage of the City of Nola. The event, to be held April 22 to 28 in Nola, has become an important space for discussion and the annual meeting on the rights of children. A need that is born “from below”, territorial commitment to create a movement of education and social that can reconstruct the alphabets of cohabitation, cure gaze education on things, the nature and creation. The 2015 edition will be the most important issues: the organization of cities in terms of space for play and socialization; the conditions of school; the failure to provide services for early childhood (nurseries, recreation centers); the continuing spread of ill-treatment, abuse and violence, especially within the home and the resulting need to remove children from their families. The program focuses on this third edition of the duty to overcome self and project isolated and autonomous, to the detriment of children. Not surprisingly, the slogan of the event is “Let us space!“, A reflection on the need for a space, not only physical, they need future generations. Activities for children and students, taking part in the week, will be: expressive workshops, games and sports, mornings at the cinema and theater and conferences depth that will animate the piazza Duomo of Nola; these will be accompanied dozens of events “local” made in the seats and in the municipalities of each body member. The opening session of Wednesday, April 22 at 10 am, after the greetings of Giuseppe Gambardella, chairman cooperative “Irene ’95”, Virgilio Marone, Director Office of School Diocese of Nola and Cinzia Trinchese, Councillor Education and Cultural Heritage – City Nola, is entrusted to the meeting with Vincenzo Spadafora, National guarantor for the Rights of the Child and Paolo Mancuso, public prosecutor Court of Nola; moderates Antonio Corbo, columnist of “La Repubblica“.