Long (sea) of books !! Pages near the sea

lungomare di libri napoli

Long live the book. Paper that stops words that will never die. And for six sundays, starting next April 19, Via Caracciolo will host twenty wooden stand, where publishers Campania doc, will showcase the works they edited. The initiative, sponsored by the Culture and Tourism of the City of Naples has the clear aim of promoting and spreading the use of the book and stimulate reading.

Publishers, booksellers, publishers, booksellers-all called together. To them, free institutions will give the exhibition space, and if there were requests for over-reliance space number, there will be a shift system that sincerely, all hope. Editors Campanian the task of creating attraction and even stimulus through musical notes and live readings of works by the authors themselves. There is a desire of the book, there is a desire to read, there is a desire for new things. And give the book an exhibition space like the Promenade of Naples, it looks like a nice little cosa. As if Port’Alba takes up residence by the sea …