At Città della Scienza, the discovery of Nature

bimba nel verde

That smell has for you spring? If you have not yet clear ideas, run out to find out this weekend at Città della Scienza, where you can “feel” really beautiful. Have you ever smelled a bush licorice, or gently rubbed a leaf of Melissa lemongrass until the give an intense lemon flavor? Have you ever seen a map of oregano or, more simply, the many varieties of sage and mint of our lands? All the scents of herbs and aromatic bushes of Mediterranean cuisine meet and merge, in fact, in the alleys of the Labyrinth Garden of Olfactory Learning the reborn structure via Coroglio 104 in Naples. Among the challenges facing small and large curious, tomorrow, Sunday 19 April, even ones to recognize in a stem, a leaf or a twig in the same smell of spice jars well aligned in the kitchens of the “City”. Between the pond, greenhouse and laboratory olfactory, children 7 to 11 years, can also build your own herbarium and then observed under a microscope the crop selected.

With the help of experts, children can also make casts of the leaves to take home the memory of a beautiful day outside.

Along the way of knowledge, then, samples of science for all, and for those who want even chance of a full immersion in Insettopoli the discovery of evolution. And yet, pottery workshops and creative reuse, theater shows and themed visits to exhibitions Gnam Mare and Orizzonte Mare.