All at “Ghinnèss” of the Neapolitan posteggia


Via Benedetto Croce, piazza San Domenico Maggiore, via San Gregorio Armeno and via San Pietro a Majella are just some of the stages of “’O ghinnèss”, the event that May 16 will see the melodies and the most famous Neapolitan songs invade the streets of the historic center of Naples to beat the record again the longest row of parked Neapolitan musicians. Hundreds of mandolin players, guitarists, singers, “masks”, virtuosos tammorra and artists of guarattelle, even from abroad, who will walk the streets of the old town to renew homage to the city’s beautiful singing and hospitality. Start, at 10.30, via San Giovanni Maggiore Pignatelli 5, home of violin making school “La Bottega’s Mandolin” and of “Mastro Masiello Mandolino” with the ribbon cutting by the mayor, Luigi De Magistris and a auspicious fireworks. From there, the cheerful musical procession will pass through the main streets of the area until you get to piazza del Gesù at 13.30 for the final concert. During the tour, the musicians will sing the most beautiful Neapolitan songs and a great tribute to Pino Daniele, beloved son of the old town, a place of passion and beauty from which he began his musical adventure. Meanwhile, pending on 16 May, in the next few days you will get a taste of the event with stages of approach: Saturday, April 18 from 11 am to square Santa Caterina a Chiaia, performance with the melodies of the group “Mastro Masiello Mandolino”, tarantella, pinches and tarantula; Saturday, April 25, from 11 in vico San Severino Spaccanapoli, live and dance with “L’Officina della Tammorra” and 9 May, classical posteggia, from 11 am, in Via San Gregorio Armeno.