At Nola, Antonio Conte star in “Hic et nunc”

antonio conte - foto paolo vitale

Color, color, color very strongly. This, one of the leitmotif of the exhibition “Hic et nunc”, curated by Alessandra Rita Fusco that, until Wednesday, June 24, will star in the spaces of the cultural association “Borderline” of Nola, the original works of the virtuoso Neapolitan artist Antonio Conte.

A versatile artist, from the pictorial language that shows references to the fathers of Pop Art, the sign Expressionist and Dada spirit, which often leads to elaborate word games and trying contamination with other artistic disciplines.

And, about the exhibition in the city Bruno’s, Conte said: “In my research the space-time all that “produce” was born from a series of coincidences, fortuitous if we want to, and the nurturing of urban which lately seems I cannot do without is represented by everything around us, from the posters, the posters of concerts, through leaflets that I find on the street and postcards in pubs that become against their starting surface for my painting”.

Count starts right from the concept of “here and now”, the artist scrutinizes all the possibilities, it tramples and overwhelms with colors that speak for themselves, absolutely expressionist matrix. He puts all the evidence, hiding the beauty in the colors and blows up when we least expect it, like a plot twist in a story we thought we knew by heart. Our history. One where the degradation can also hide a spark. A pirate thirsty for beauty, a vibrant child to constant search for truth; pop art that gives a nod to the Fauves and destroy taboos exist of classicism, a continuous exchange of innocence and sensuality, everyday and surreality.