Women over time, the history of the Roman Gladiatores


The Arcigay Committee Antinoo of Naples presents his “Women in Time” event. The visit will be held at the Flavian Amphitheatre in Pozzuoli, the third largest amphitheater in the world, by its size, after the Coliseum and that of Capua. Built in the first century. d. C., is a testimony to the extraordinary technique reached the Roman engineering in building construction. The famous monument around the world it is in Campania especially for being one of the places of torture suffered by San Gennaro during the persecution of Christians, as evidenced by the famous painting by Artemisia Gentileschi.

In a century, as the seventeenth century, dominated by male power, the figure of the Roman painter becomes the symbol of emancipation and the strength of women’s freedom. During the visit will be brief read excerpts from the court records, the Gentileschi suffered as a result of a rape. Not only that, but the Flavian Amphitheatre will be the scenario to reflect on the status of women in the Roman era, in particular reference will be made to the history of Gladiatores, those gladiator women in the Julio-Claudian age were used in both gladiatorius that in ludus ludus venationes , as recounted in the works of Latin authors to which we will refer.

Number of participants: maximum 30 people.

Organizational contribution of EUR 10 per person (contribution includes the entrance fee to the Amphitheatre).

Meet at 10:45 am at the dell ‘Amphitheatre entrance, during Terracciano 75, Pozzuoli. Start guided tour 11.00

How to get there by public transport: from Central Station Garibaldi Metro line 2 Pozzuoli-Solfatara stop, after 100 m on the right is the entrance to the site.

Info and reservations: alessia.zorzenon@gmail.com or gigiove@libero.it