The return of the “Ludi Pompeiani”

ludi pompeiani

He writes “Ludi Pompeiani” reads music, pantomime, performance and much more. An event not to be missed for a blast from the past that will take shape on 19 and 20 September along the main streets of Pompei where, inspired by the traditional “Roman Games”, calendar holidays of ancient Rome celebrated annually in September starting from 366 BC, they will take turns performing arts various maintaining a style linked to ancient Pompeii: street artists (Ludi Circenses), theater (Ludi Scaenici) and music and struggle between gladiators (Munera).

“Ludi Pompeiani” is, however, an experience that goes beyond recalling the traditional sense. Not only historical memory but also active involvement of the public, with the aim of arousing emotions reviving amusement ancient Roman city on the streets of the modern city. The first edition focused on the most exquisitely spectacular, the second, however, that this year, will invest in an important way the appearance scientific as well as playful and increasing the supply of food and wine tours to stimulate the economy and citizen intercept tourist flows linked to the themes of Expo 2015.

During the intense two days, therefore, the streets of Pompeii will be enlivened with banquets, street artists and performers, but also legionaries, emperors, maids, matrons, senators and gladiators. A real reenactment Roman interpreted by the citizens of the place that will leave you breathless tourists, residents and visitors.