The Amalfi Coast lights with the Night fishing lights Cetara


The Night of Lampare why? Not to forget the tradition of the ancient technique of fishing for anchovies with the lamps and to exploit at every opportunity history and culture of the area.

But we also explain to those unfamiliar with boats and fishing equipment What is lampara, the boat used for these fishing trips to small bluefish. The lampara is a type of lamp mounted on a boat and is used at night to illuminate large areas of water, generally in the bow of the hull, with the precise aim, through the light, to attract fish to the surface to trap them then in the network. And then all the little fishing boats that use fishing lights, by extension, are called lampara.

We also explain the program of the evening in the sea in the moonlight. On the evening of July 18, at about 20.30, a cianciola cetarese, with the lamps in tow, will kick off and will compete in the fishing of anchovies, followed by ferries that accompany all those who will attend the fishing trip. Meanwhile on the beach of Cetara begin tasting fried anchovies and other local products.

After returning from fishing will proceed to enlightenment Bay Cetara with the lamps and continue tasting on the beach. The evening will be accompanied by a performance of classical music Neapolitan. There will be stands with local products.

Like every year the ferry service will be provided with various races.

To watch the fishing you can either from Salerno (Piazza della Concordia, 20.00) and both Cetara (Molo Madonnina, 20.00). After fishing ferries disembark passengers in Cetara for the continuation of the evening. In addition to the evening of the event, there is the opportunity to come to Cetara by sea with the ordinary line Salerno (Piazza della Concordia) – Cetara: departures are at 18.00 to 19.00 – 20,00.

The return from Cetara (Molo Madonnina) is provided for the duration of the event, and the last one is scheduled at 01.00.

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