Market hipster… with the Wizard of Oz

mercatino hipster

Back to the Duel Beat of via Antiniana, in Naples, after the great success in the Christmas season, the colorful and original “Market Hipster”. This time, to act as a common thread to the event (entrance fee € 3 – children and pets: free), which will take shape Sunday, February 8, starting at 17, will be the characters film “The Wizard of Oz”. By Dorothy Tin Man, the Scarecrow and passing for witches, for an appointment fun and carefree time dedicated to the Carnival. In “ladder”, alleged young highbrow struggling with the correct, art exhibitions, dj sets experimental… A special occasion for those who intend to sifting through stands of jewelry, dresses trendy and vintage. For those who give importance to the visual arts and the art of decorating. For those who feel the crisis, but still prefers the spritz to the spread. For those who still care about the issue bio, the Km 0 and reuse. But especially for those who want to support the work of young creative Neapolitans.

So what are you waiting for? “Follow the golden path”, to find yourself protagonists of a fabulous shopping.