Music and integration, arrives Ethnos: concerts and performances free from Bacoli at Massa Lubrense

Sarà la stella capoverdiana Lura, ad aprire i battenti della XXII edizione del festival a San Giorgio a Cremano. Dal 16 settembre al primo ottobre palcoscenici in sette Comuni

La stella della musica capoverdiana Lura

It will be the star of capoverdian music Lura on Saturday, September 16, to officially open the XXth edition of Ethnos, the International Festival of Ethnic Music. His concert, with free entrance until seats are exhausted, starting at 9 pm will be held in the frame of Villa Vannucchi in San Giorgio a Cremano (Naples). Seven Neapolitan municipalities involved in dance and dance performances on billboards. In addition to San Giorgio, stage will be set up in Somma Vesuviana, Casandrino, Bacoli, Massa Lubrense and Torre del Greco. On Thursday, September 28, also special stage in Naples for a guided tour (upon reservation) at the Catacombs of San Gennaro.