Start “Napoli so I love” photo contest that promotes the beauty of Partenope

Castel dell'Ovo

Last year, the “City of Partenope,” free virtual association of citizens, organized a photo competition entitled “Naples as I like” in order to find images that represent unusual views, new, positive and clean the wonderful Partenope.

Fifty images, selected from among the most significant by a panel of media experts and voted on by the public, were published in the book “Partenope – another way to see Naples” (Rubbettino publisher) distributed in the circuit Feltrinelli and in many other libraries but also paid tribute to top 10 Neapolitan excellent contacts in the book, in order to finish in living rooms, in waiting rooms, in companies of Naples and even beyond the borders of the capital.

The first 5 authors Highest took the stage at the Agora Morelli event organized for the presentation and the author of the most voted photo has been awarded the “Premio Città di Partenope,” the photography section.

Given the success of the book you’re working on a second edition in 2014 with the contribution of participatory license plate of all, although there is no economic prizes to be won, but only the pleasure of sharing something important between citizens Naples.

City of Partenope ( has been fighting since 2008 for a good advertisement of Naples in the world and to combat immorality and vulgarity, promoting civic sense at all levels.

Participating in the contest is easy: just send one or more photographs, which have the requirements, at this address:

The invitation is very clear: to help Napoli to pack another quality book that promotes the city, its stunning beauty and virtuous behavior of its citizens.