The grand royal ball of the carnival made ​​in Naples


At Carnival we know,every joke is well accepeted.
A role really followed! Especially from children who, on the occasion of the happy party, compete with the most original costumes and an infinite series of pranks and games.
So what better opportunity than that of a full-fledged party to the court to “play” for a day to be the guests of honor of one of the most noble families of the Neapolitan nobility?

The appointment is in the Royal Palace of Naples, the old “headquarters” of the rulers of the House of Borbone, as well as one of the four residences used by the rulers during the epic story of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. It will be here, in the luxurious building in Piazza Plebiscito thanks to the collaboration project between Progetto Museo and the theater le Nuvole will stage a real “dance to court”, with lots of music and feasting.

From Monday February 24 to Thursday 20 March, within the sumptuous halls of the royal will take a series of guided-show that will involve the young visitors and their carers in an amazing journey through the art, history and archeology. All combined with the spirit of leisure that only the theater, with the magic of the stage, you are able to bring to the viewers.


The initiative , developed in collaboration with the Educational Service of the Superintendence of Naples and its province, is targeted primarily at primary school children and children who will now have the opportunity to get to know the characters we read about only in books history.
To welcome there will be nothing less that King Ferdinand I of Borbone. Recall that his reign was one of the longest-lived of the time, even if the sovereign ,rather than for the duration of the throne , he is remembered more for the nickname “King nose”, an ironic epithet by Neapolitanpeople.

In addition to having quite recognizable and accentuated facial features, it seems that the ruler was also a well-known gourmet and not by chance during the visit will not be difficult to surprise the king devouring his usual baba, an activity that he much preferred to institutional events.

Still , continuing the tour through the rooms of the luxurious residence, you may run into other guests of blue blood, like Queen Maria Carolina of Habsburg , wife of the light-hearted Ferdinand, who will be responsible for recall to duty.
The Austrian noblewoman, who unlike her husband was very dutiful to the requirements of the building and the label of the court will issue its guests a real dance class, in order to take part in the dancing in the magnificent hall of the seventeenth-century viceroy ,where tapestries are exhibited in the series of “Amore and Psyche”.

” Dance in court”

Monday 24 , Tuesday 25 ,Thursday 27, Friday 28 February 2014, 9.30 am and 11.30

Thursday 6 ,Friday 7, Monday 10 , Tuesday 11 ,Thursday 13,  Friday 14 ,Monday 17,Tuesday 18 ,Thursday 20 , Friday 21 March 2014 , 9.30 am and 11.30

Royal Palace, Piazza del Plebiscito, Naples

For information and reservations , email: , Tel : +39.0812395653