The magic of Villa Rufolo lives through a unique journey along one thousand years


Land of enchantment! Elected homeland of the spirit from the numerous and illustrious travelers who have had the pleasure to admire the magic of the landscapes and the charm of the monuments. Yes, we are talking about Ravello, the magnificent pearl of the Amalfi Coast.
The famous scenic and tourist center, perched on a steep cliff overlooking the sea , offers visitors a breathtaking view that overlooks the Gulf of Salerno.
No wonder then that many patrician families of the old Kingdom of the Two Sicilies chose this very charming town of Salerno as the seat of his luxurious home .

Among these we should mention the Rufolo family , one of the best known and most important families of the ancient Kingdom of Naples and of which today remains testimony with the eponymous palace in Piazza Duomo . More than a palace , a villa incredibly beautiful and evocative. A masterpiece of art and architecture overlooking the sea! By far the most beautiful of Ravello. Well, for those who want to experience the magic of an evening in this extraordinary residence of the Coast , well, … the opportunity will certainly be.
Starting from March 19 until April 27 and , in fact,Villa Rufolo, opens its majestic doors at night and turn into a hi-tech monument in which , in a modern , relive the exploits of Landolfo Rufolo , between the protagonist ‘ more of a novella in Boccaccio‘s Decameron , and notes dell’estasiante music of Richard Wagner, who , inspired by the enchantment of the gardens and the viewpoint of the park, where he composed an aria of Parsifal.


The massive project will transform the gardens , the cloister, the towers and the facade of the complex large screens on which companies will be proietteate of the characters that have characterized the past Ravello and that of the villa.
This is a real interactive journey lasting thirty minutes, divided into seven “pictures”, all designed by the “Laser Entertainment”, which amaze the audience with special effects, projections and mapped ologrammatiche reproductions .

The artistic event “Villa Rufolo thousand years of magic” promoted by the Fondazione Ravello, to create a further enhancement of the site provides a wealth of events and music festivals , as confirmed by artistic director Stefano Valanzuolo during the press conference of presentation of activities.
It starts with the Easter concert , which will be the prologue to the summer festival which will begin on June 21 with a show exclusively tied to the work of Eduardo De Filippo.

This and much more is part of the rich calendar of shows that are part of the wider
“Ravello Project”, funded by the Campania Region to enhance the cultural and artistic value of the infinite resources of the territory.

“Villa Rufolo thousand years of magic”
Ravello March 19 – April 27, 2014
Villa Rufolo , Piazza Duomo, Ravello (Salerno)