Reopens in Capri the promenade of Faraglioni

Capri, panorami mozzafiato da via Pizzolungo

To the delight of Capri and of all the guests and visitors of the Azure Island, reopens in Capri via the panoramic Pizzolungo, historical and picturesque road that “skirts” Faraglioni and where you can be admired, in an unusual view, the not far Sorrento Peninsula. In less than a month, in fact, have been completed restoration work on the road that had been closed as a result of a collapse and subsequent landslide due to a broken water line. The work was commissioned by the City and by the water Gori. One of the most beautiful and fascinating walks island of Tiberius is therefore again viable. The way of Pizzolungo is one of the “walks” the most fascinating of the Pearl of the Gulf. Within a few miles of the coast, you can, in fact, see different shades of the island landscape with the Faraglioni and the coast of the sirens seen by a less known. Starting from the famous “square”, the road winds through a rich Mediterranean vegetation, solitary villas and numerous detours that lead to small belvedere (particularly famous to Tragara, for sensational glance over the Marina Piccola) each of which is able to offer a different perspective on the Isle d’Azur and its crystal-clear sea.