Sentieri Mediterranei: music, history and folklore protagonists at Summonte

Dal 14 al 17 settembre, torna l'appuntamento con il festival internazionale di musica etnica giunto alla XIX edizione. La direzione artistica è del maestro Enzo Avitabile

Dal 14 al 17 settembre, torna a Summonte l'appuntamento con il festival internazionale di musica etnica "Sentieri Mediterranei"

Concerts, events, history, culture, nature, traditions among the Mediterranean lights. Returns to Summonte, Irpinia, from September 14 to 17, the XIXth edition of the International Music Festival “Sentieri Mediterranei“, for the artistic direction of Enzo Avitabile, composer, musicologist, singer-songwriter and polytechnicalist parthenope emblem of research and contamination of musical languages. Among the guests of this edition, the singer and actress Lina Sastri, the original musician of the Maghreb but grew up in Marrakesh, Aziz Sahmaoui with the band University of Gnawa, the deseret bluomb of Bombino from Niger. And again, the musician and poet Antonio Infantino, the singer and performer of Calabria Peppe Voltarelli, the Roman songwriter Marco Greco, the band Lucan Renanera and the band of Campania Malevera and Capere. All the planned initiatives are free of charge.