An Opportunity Sea in Naples from 19 to 30 May

A new tour for Neapolitans and tourists to discover all the sports and leisure activities of the Nautical Clubs, the Associations and the sports federations that will organize open days

Un Mare di Opportunità a Napoli
Un Mare di Opportunità a Napoli

Sports, arts, games, dance, music and more, to promote the rediscovery and valorization of ancient marinas and our long and honored tradition.

This is the goal of an A Sea of ​​Opportunity in Naples scheduled from 19 to 30 May.

The initiative is an anticipation of the “Month of the Sea” scheduled for October this year, and a corollary to the beauty and importance of the initiatives for May. In fact, for the whole period, Neapolitans and tourists will be offered free of charge to discover the activities of nautical clubs, associations, and sports federations. These will organize open days in their own venues, as well as a rich calendar of events that will see the sea as the undisputed star of the show.

“A Sea of ​​Opportunity” through the offering of sports, arts, games, dance, music and more, aims to promote the rediscovery and valorization of the ancient roots and our long and honored tradition of water sports. All the activities that make you enjoy the beauty of breathtaking scenes and scenery, just as you are dedicated to the favorite sport or hobby, and why not, discovering new ones.

The review is aimed at reinforcing a still unexpressed potential given by the blue economy. An Opportunity Sea also allows you to better imagine the future of Naples as a way to look and appreciate the city from its great prospect, the coastal one.

Here is the full program of events.

Swingin ‘Napoli

May 19th from 6 pm to 8.30 pm Bagnoli dock – Swing

Ass. Yoga Naples

20 May 17,30 – 19,00 – Bagnoli Park – acroyoga

Reale Y.C. Canottieri Savoia

20 and 21 May Santa Lucia Dock 13

Presentation of summer school sailing courses June / July

Sailing LNI Naples

21 May 9,00 – 13,00 Marina of Molosiglio

Sailing approach for 20 teenagers

Rari Nantes Napoli

22 – 29 May 10.00 – 14.00 St. Lucia Basin

Use deep and / or traditional canoes

Cherry Mothers of Sisina “would kiss it”

May 26 18:00 Bagnoli dock

N.A.V. Campania

27 and 28 May 10.00 -13.00 Beach of Coroglio

Packed on the beach, do we know the waste of our sea? – Sail and ecology

Idis City Science Foundation

27 May 9,00 -17,00 – 28 May 10-18,00 City of Science

Visit to the Sea Show (upon reservation at the Contact Center)

Nautical Circle Posillipo

27 and 28 May 9,00-12,00 Via Posillipo 5

Visit and information about sports activities. Visits to be arranged for 150 people a day for groups of 25 people who will be accompanied every 30 minutes on a walk within the facility.

Circle Ilva Bagnoli

28 May 9.30 – 13.30 Ilva Bagnoli

Canoeing-rowing-dancing-football-gym-skating-tennis-gymnastics-fitness-martial arts

ADS Peepul-Sport Onlus

May 30, two mornings from 10.00 to 13.30 from Monday to Friday in May – Via Acton 1

Sail for people with different skills: free trial exits on two-seat dream boats

For info and reservations: Send a copy of each participant’s identity document at least one week before to: