Wine and culture, 130 event “Wine & TheCity” to live Naples


Over 130 places of Naples, from the sea to the ground, from the hills to the streets of the old town, between historical buildings, tombs, gardens, museums, private houses, boutiques, restaurants, hotels, pizzerias, galleries and even churches, monumental staircases and stations Metro: it is the “location” that will host the events of “Wine & TheCity” review “of urban creativity and good drink” that will liven up the corners of the capital of Campania 6 to 20 May. Around the theme of “#ebbrezza” keyword of the 2015, the exhibition will offer gourmet picnic, literary readings, exhibitions, concerts, artistic performances, meetings with authors and wine tasting in unusual places and symbolic, as the vineyards of metropolitan Naples, the metro station via Toledo (considered the most beautiful in the world) or La Gloriette, property confiscated from the mafia and now destined to social use, with breathtaking views of the city and Mount Vesuvius. Events are also planned aboard sailboats, in the Diocesan Museum, the Gallery of Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano, in the church of San Rocco and in the Catacombs of San Gennaro. The festival, now in its eighth edition – said Donatella Bernabò Silorata, presentation today in Naples at the headquarters of “Gourmet” – stands out this year for a significant change: the number of private sponsors has been joined an initiative of crowdfunding with which, in a few weeks, they collected more than 7,000 Euros donated by 159 supporters. “We want to live corners of Naples in their uniqueness and beauty – said Bernabo Silorata – You travel, you listen, you will discover, to taste, in short – he concluded – we want to experience the city in a different and original”.