The Vatican angels fly in the Reggia


A heavenly dialogue. In a sign of the Almighty. And art, of course. Two large angels, painted by Giacomo Zoboli atModenabetween 1742 and 1748, as cartoons for the mosaics of the chapel of Santa Maria della Colonna (in the roman Basilica of San Pietro), are about to make their entrance into the spaces of the royalpalaceofCaserta. The angels will dialogue, dumb, those with marble and stucco adorn the Palatine Chapel, one of the most extraordinary of the palace built by King Carlo of Bourbon, designed and built, for the most part by the architect Luigi Vanvitelli in the mid-fifties the eighteenth century. [charme-gallery]The silent dialogue will go on stage … starting next July 3 when, in the capital of Terra di Lavoro will open the exhibition dal Vaticano a Caserta: Vanvitelli e i suoi angeli (from the Vatican in Caserta: Vanvitelli and his angels), organized by the Superintendence BAPSAE of Caserta and Benevento directed by Paola Raffaella David in collaboration with the European Centre for Tourism and Culture chaired by Giuseppe Lepore and thanks to the considerable availability of the President of the Fabric of San Pietro in the Vatican, Cardinal Angelo Comastri.[charme-gallery]