In the ruins of Elea-Velia the spectacle of the festival Radiose Azioni

Veduta panoramica del parco archeologico di Elea-Velia

Start tomorrow, in the splendid setting of the ruins of Elea-Velia (Salerno), the first day of the festival “Radiose Azioni: fare cultura è costruire Salute“, a project conceived and coordinated by the cooperative Cilento Solidale with the support of numerous territorial including the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage and the City of Ascea. It starts at 5 pm o’clock in the Cryptoporticus with sub-limen, theater and dance performances inspired by the myth of Persephone. The show sees the scene Cristina Minoja (dance) and Roberto Caruso (sound and voice) of the group Abracalam (Padova). At 5:45 pm at the House of Frescoes there will be a concert of Hang Project, an extraordinary artistic collaboration born from the encounter between the hang of Luca Bertelli and guitar by Stefano Maura, which serves a mix of atmospheric sounds, sometimes hypnotic, thanks to the magical sound of hang.

The event will take place during the opening hours of the archaeological site, and will not result in additional costs for visitors (in addition to the entrance fee).

Festival: Radiose Azioni: fare cultura è costruire Salute
Archaeological Park of Elea-Velia – Ascea (Sa)
tel.: +39.0974.972396
Hours. Everyday: 8:45 am – one hour before sunset.
Admission: € 3,00 / reduced € 1.50; museum and archaeological park Paestum Archaeological Park Velia + show rosantico: valid for 3 days. € 11.00 full/reduced € 5.50
