More and more tourists seduced by the wonders of Campania Felix


Natural beauty (69.4%), ease of reaching the destination (50.3%) and artistic heritage monuments (48.8%), are the three main reasons for the choice of Campania by foreign tourists and Italians who their stay in our region. During the holiday have visited (45.8%) the old town, they went to the sea (41.5%) and have made trips (34.6%). The lower the percentage of tourists who attended religious events (25.1%) and tasted wine and food products (19.5%). This is the identikit of the tourist in Campania track by regional Unioncamere during the Bit taking place in Milan and announced by the president, Maurizio Maddaloni. The survey conducted by the National Observatory of Tourism of Unioncamere focuses on the expectations of travelers and actual behavior during the holiday.

“For foreigners there is any significant difference – added Maddaloni – also in terms of choices and purchases during the holiday. Shopping is favored by 12% of foreign tourists, while for Italians the percentage drops to 3.8. it is a series of fundamental information to guide strategies for promoting both the private tour operators that of the public in the planning of initiatives to extend the season and stay in our holiday destinations”. “In 2014 – said the summit Unioncamere Campania – we recorded 2.7 million foreign travelers; more than 14 million overnight stays and tourist spending of 1.4 billion euro. But the other side of the coin is the domestic tourism advancing like a car with the brakes on. the long wave of the crisis will be felt for a long time: decreases the propensity to travel of the Italians – concluded Maddaloni – to cope with increased spending and taxation. the decline of domestic tourism in Campania, in 2014, was about 7%”.