A San Marco dei Cavoti gluttons in Party Croccantino

Festa del croccantino e del torrone

Campani : people of poets, saints and… gluttons, that from 5 to 8 and 13 and 14 December, can delight in the Festa del Torrone and Croccantino Cavoti of St. Mark, in the province of Benevento.

For the occasion, in the historic center of the town Samnite, plus food stalls ad hoc, will take shape even photographic exhibitions, mini – tour, a delightful Christmas market, live concerts and entertainment shows.

Among the specialties of the tasty festival, visits to the old town, the Museum of Tower Clocks, companies of Croccantino and those of local productions. Do not miss the seminar set in Palazzo Colarusso entitled “What future for the gastronomy of inland areas”, organized by Slow Food with the participation of the pastry chef Sal De Riso, then that will delight the audience with a captivating show cooking.

Among the highlights, the one dedicated to Baby Pasticcioni and the realization of a Megacroccantino created in collaboration with confectionery companies sammarchesi , then distributed to those present, to the sound of music, from folk group The ‘Ncioccarata. And yet, Dolce Corrida, Maxitombolata and grand finale, Sunday 14 December, with the show of Maurizio Casagrande.
