The food made in Campania to the conquest of the Eiffel Tower


First two days of December entirely French to a large number of companies “made in the South.” The first and the second of the month which ended the year 21 business realities bells of the agri-food sector will exhibit their excellent products at the Salon Bermuda Onion – Gallery Beaugrenelle Paris on the occasion of the festival of flavors that will feature all of the artifacts Terra Felix. The participating companies, selected through an expression of interest of the Directorate General for Economic Development and Production Activities of the Region of Campania, will showcase the best that can be offered in different sectors.

They range from wines to cheeses, from mozzarella and tomatoes, as well as from coffee to desserts, passing for meat, pasta and spirits. Have something to enjoy cousins across the Alps !. There are, in fact, B2B meetings to develop any kind of business relationship. “The enhancement of the brand made in Campania – said Fulvio Martusciello, adviser to the governor Stefano Caldoro with responsibility for productive activities – is a strategic action for our region on which bets are resources and programs.”

The redevelopment plan for the “product Campania” has so far involved 224 companies generating more than 3,000 business contacts, and has posted 98% of the budget expected to be worth of European funds. But the internationalization of the subsidiaries of Vesuvius will not end here. “Expo Milan – adds Martusciello – we want to continue our work by taking this great opportunity to put on display. Prevederemo also special measures to support enterprises bells in the food industry for participation in the world exhibition.”

The 21 companies selected for the Paris Motor Show are: Associazione Nazionale Città della Bufala (Caserta); Associazione Degusto (Napoli); Azienda Agricola Eligo (Ottaviano); Azienda agricola Viticoltori Migliozzi (Carinaro – Ce); Azienda agricola Francesco Sodano (Avella – Av); Azienda vinicola Forno srl (Poggiomarino); Cantine Rao sas (Caiazzo – Ce); Antiche Fattorie Cilentane (Agropoli); D’Avino Zucchero srl (Poggiomarino); La Torrente srl (Sant’Antonio Abate – Na); Torrefazione Antonio Castorino (Salerno); P.K. Giordano – San Giuseppe Vesuviano – Na); Consorzio Historia Antiqua – Manocalzati (Avellino); Mokamoka caffè – Napoli; Oleifici Mataluni – Olio Dante Spa – Montesarchio (Benevento); Alma De Lux – San Giorgio a Cremano (Napoli); Consorzio di Tutela della Mozzarella di Bufala Dop – San Nicola La Strada