World Biodiversity Day at Science City

città della scienza napoli

Thinking of the term biodiversity is natural to think of the rainforests, coral reefs and tropical countries; you can actually realize the value of biodiversity also at home – just be able to look! So start on Friday at 10.00 in complessodi Coroglio, with a series of guided tours and scientific insights conducted by our experts who will introduce to visitors some of the most interesting topics related to local biodiversity, ranging from marine organisms, plants, insects and microscopic algae. So Naples and its nature under a microscope. Now let’s see the full program of the day.

10 hours – Garden City of Science

Illegal in the garden (from 6 years)

Guided tour of the garden to discover the alien species present and their interactions with local plants and animals

11am – Blue Room / Garden

The war arms (8 and older)

Scientific investigation on the adaptations and strategies of some insect pests and plant linked to them

12 hours – Blue Room

The food of the future (8 and older)

Science demonstrations – insects and algae can become our source of protein and fatty acids?

13 hours – Blue Room / Garden

Social insects – look at them in the field and at home (ages 8 and up)

Scientific investigation on the extraordinary properties of ant colonies

14 hours – Blue Room

What’s under Nisida (ages 8 and up)

Scientific study on the marine biodiversity of the seabed of Nisida
